Meet The Team
at Reach Wellness







Lisa Horne, BSc, RHN


Lisa has a strong passion and desire to help people feel better and is able to support you by providing an evidence based plan that will align with your health goals and help you optimize your overall health.

Whether it be digestive dysfunction, poor sleep, low energy, brain fog, weight struggles or the effects of chronic stress, a holistic approach to your nutrition and lifestyle can help. 

Everything we consume and the lifestyle choices we make lay the foundation for our well-being and knowing what to eat shouldn’t be confusing. Lisa can help make it easy! 

Holistic nutritionist, Skin care, Cancer care, Custom Meal Plans, Weight loss

Holistic Nutritionist Whitby

Chloe Williams, RHN


Chloe is a registered holistic nutritionist, mom of three and lover of all things health and wellness. She helps people get to the root cause of their digestive and hormonal issues so that they can stop worrying about their health and start focusing on the things that make them happy.

She attended the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and graduated from the program with merit. Ever since, she has been helping individuals get to the root cause of their symptoms so that they can get back to thriving instead of just surviving. 

As a holistic nutritionist, the first thing she does is listen to what you have to say and what your goals are. She recognizes that no two clients are the same and that everybody comes from different backgrounds, cultures, lifestyles, etc. Once she understands what your favourite foods are, what makes you happy, what makes you stressed out, what your sleep habits look like or what you do for fun, she puts together a nutrition plan specifically for you based on your health goals. She provide you with education and support so that you know why she recommends the things she does and how it will contribute to your success. As someone who has been through an extensive health journey of her own, she knows what it’s like to finally find the answers you’ve always been looking for and how important it is to feel supported throughout your journey. Her goal is to ensure that her clients always feel respected, valued, heard and supported.

Holistic nutritionist, Digestive Health, Hormone Dysfunction, Custom Meal Plans, Weight loss

Life is too short to feel
less than your best!

And feeling your best is possible when you
have the right team supporting you.