What’s on the blog
Kick Start Your Metabolism
Now that we’ve made it through another winter and heavy, comfort foods have left us feeling bloated and sluggish, it’s time to figure out how to get back in the swing of things. And, if you’ve set intentions for 2022 that include healthier eating and activity, then...
Intermittent Fasting for a Longer, Healthier Life
Intermittent Fasting for a Longer, Healthier Life Fasting is one of the oldest therapies in medicine, recognized for its ability to help heal and prevent disease. When done under the proper guidance of a healthcare professional, intermittent fasting can lead to...
What Does Your Poop Say About Your Health?
Let’s chat about your bowel movements. Did you just cringe a bit? Let’s face it, healthy poop isn’t anybody’s favourite topic. Nonetheless, our bowel movements hold valuable clues to our overall health. But these signs are often ignored because most of us are a bit...
What You Need to Know About Proper Hydration
A Holistic Perspective On Water And Hydration Water, the lifeblood of Mother Earth. That free flowing H20 is crucial for the survival of every organic species on the planet. Our earth is made up of 71% water – just a little more than the human brain which floats at...
Is Insulin Resistance Slowing Your Weight Loss?
You do everything “right.” Somehow, however, those stubborn extra pounds won’t leave. And worse, they seem to have shifted to your midsection. What happened to your shape? Insulin resistance could be to blame. You can be eating healthy and still struggle with weight...
Weight-Loss Strategies: Is It Better to Eat Less or Exercise More?
Eat less, exercise more. You’ve probably heard that’s the secret to weight loss. So, it makes sense that if you want to lose weight quickly, or if you’ve hit a weight-loss plateau, you need to really ramp up the exercise, right? Unfortunately, many people experience...
Sitting is the New Smoking
Did you know sitting is actually bad for you? In fact, some are saying that “sitting is the new smoking” because its impact is so significant! On average, how many hours a day do you spend sitting, uninterrupted? One hour? Two hours? Three…or more? Our ancient...
Happiness Checklist: Are You as Happy as You Want to Be?
Are you happy? It might be a simple question, but for many people, happiness feels like an impossible goal to reach and many people struggle with how to be happy. In fact, studies show that only about one in three people consistently identify as “happy”! If that seems...
Heartburn and GERD: Get Right to The Cause and Feel Better
Heartburn and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) can be extremely frustrating to deal with. Both are painful and debilitating, and always carry some anxiety since the symptoms can resemble a cardiac event. To further complicate matters, many traditional “cures”...
How to Stay Happy, Healthy and Stress-Free This Holiday Season
‘Tis the season for joy, togetherness, and celebration - but also stress. Despite the festive, happy images we are bombarded with in the media, many people find the holidays to be a difficult time. Financial pressures, loneliness and shorter, darker days are just some...